(Übergewichts-)Prävention in Deutschland
Kobel S, Wartha O, Steinacker JM (2017). (Übergewichts-)Prävention in Deutschland. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2017; 68: 81-84.
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Kobel S, Wartha O, Steinacker JM (2017). (Übergewichts-)Prävention in Deutschland. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2017; 68: 81-84.
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Stierlin A. S. et al. (2015). A systematic review of determinants of sedentary behaviour in youth: a DEDIPAC-study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1):1-19.
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Wirt, T. et al. (2014). Associations between inhibitory control and body weight in German primary school children. Eating Behaviors, 15:9-12.
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Wartha O, Lämmle C, Kobel S, Wirt T, Steinacker JM: Aufbau des Bewegungsmoduls des schulbasierten Gesundheitsförderprogramms „Komm mit in das gesunde Boot“. Dtsch Z Sportmed 2017; 68 20-26
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Möhrle B. et al. (2015). Bewegungsförderung an Grundschulen – Pausenhof und körperliche Aktivität von Kindern. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 66:141-146
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Hermeling L, Steinacker JM, Kobel S (2024). Beyond correlates: the social gradient in childhood overweight
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Traub M, Steinacker JM, Kesztyüs D and the Working Group "Join the healthy boat" (2017). Breakfast skipping in primary schoolchildren. Targeting prevention by cofactors. ErnahrungsUmschau…
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Vorwieger E, Kelso A, Steinacker JM, Kesztyüs D (2018) Cardio-metabolic and socio-environmental correlates of waist-to-height ratio in German primary schoolchildren: A cross-sectional exploration. BMC…
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Kobel S, Wartha O, Steinacker JM (2019). Correlates of active transport to school in German primary school children. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 70:29-36
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Kobel S. et al. (2015). Correlates of habitual physical activity and organised sports in German primary school children. Public Health 129(3):237-243
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